Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Welcome to my brand new blog!

Wow, it has been a year since I have created this blog. Ever since I came back for my first year of university, I have stopped putting entries into this blog. People like Jorine has commented that I was forced to create a blog when I am not really a person who keeps journal entries of my everyday life. Yesterday night, my baby Celia had given me a long 1 hour of lecturing that reasoned out why I should keep a blog myself. If I did not put a full stop on her pool of words, she is able to carry on for hours. This might seem that again I am being forced to reopen a blog account, but honestly I am doing it for my baby and myself. Life is just too short and one's brain has just limited amount of memory space to store all of everyday experiences and happenings. Therefore from now on until the day I dont exist in this world, I will try my best to share my life with my friends and loved ones on this very blog.

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