Thursday, March 4, 2010

Girls Girls Girls!!!!!!!

1. Do not cheat on a girl. We girls talk, we WILL know, and we WILL find out, and we WILL dump you!
2. Be aware of all your girlfriends' guy friends, brothers, fathers, or anything. They are protective. Every single male friend we have will kick your ass if you end up hurting her.
3. Never ever miss an opportunity to tell her that she's beautiful. We girls love that!
4. If she slapped you hard, you probably deserved it.
5. Do not be afraid of holding her. If she's going out with you in the first place, it's obvious that she likes you and wants to be in your arms.
6. Every girl should eventually get three things from her boyfriend - a stuffed animal, one of his sweatshirts or hoodie's, and a really pretty piece of jewelry.
7. Make sure she gets home safely as often as you can. If you're dropping her off, walk her to the door. If you aren't dropping her off, call to be sure she's home safely. We think that's really cute and sweet.
8. If a guy is bothering your girlfriend, it is your right to beat the shit out of him.
9. If you're talking to a female friend of yours, pull your girlfriend closer. It'll make her feel secure that you love her more than the other girl.
10. Never ever slap her, even if it's just in a joking way. Even if she swats you first, and says, "Oh, you're so dumb" or something, never make any gestures back.
11. Go along with her to a chick flick once in a while. She doesn't care whether you enjoy it or not, it just matters that you went with her.
12. If you're officially dating, and you're introducing her to your friends, you'd better damn well introduce her as your girlfriend. Or else.
13. Girls are fragile. Even if you're play fighting/ wrestling, be very gentle. Let her win once in a while.
14. Memorize your girlfriend's birthday. You forget her birthday and you're basically screwed for life. Not gonna lie.
15. Don't drench yourself in the cologne, but smell good.
16. You don't have to spend a million dollars on the Birthday/ Christmas/ Valentine gift. It doesn't have to be expensive, or cost anything but it has to be meaningful.
17. Don't ever lie to us; we always find out.
18. Don't say you understand when you don't. That's bad.
19. Remember: Girls are pretty, but yours is the Prettiest!
20. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; but doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
21. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls that want relationships.
22. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a hoe. Don't bother trying to convince us otherwise, that is a bad idea.
23. It's good to be sensitive, to a point.
24. If you did something wrong, apologize. Even if you didn't, do it anyway.
25. You did something bad. I seem cool with it. I'm not. (See directly above.)
26. We are self-conscious by nature; we can't help it. Let it be.
27. We don't shave our legs every day so just get over it.
28. Shave your face, no matter how cool you think your goatee or beard or mustache looks, we probably hate it. We like you clean shaven.
29. Show off a little, we think it's cute.
30. You are our boyfriend, our man, our protector, whether you know it or not, you are; act like it.
31. You are cute in raglan-sleeved T-shirts (two-toned baseball undershirts).
32. We love it when you hug us from behind and whisper in our ear.
33. "Fine" is NEVER an appropriate response when I ask you how I look.
34. Most of the time when I fantasize, it's about you. Don't obsess over that.
35. I expect you to call me. If you don't, you go down.
36. I'm more forgiving of you than I really should be. Don't you dare take advantage of that.
37. When I compare my flabby tummy to a kangaroo pouch, say nothing.
38. You look hot in hooded clothing items. Always.
39. You should never tell a girl what to do. Ever.
40. Any decent man will ask a girl out to her face. I mean; if you aren't man enough to ask us out to our face, who says you're gonna be man enough to our boyfriend at all.
41. Girls are very impressed when you ask them for advice. Unless its about another girl.
42. I'm unimpressed with a man who doesn't take the lead.
43. When in doubt, go with the shirt that matches your eye color.
44. You're sexy when you're shaving, fixing things, wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, driving, eating a peach, holding a baby.
45. Girls need to hear how you feel about them. Often. Tell her now.
46. A girl wants to be the best thing that ever happened to you - and for you to recognize this and tell her.
47. If she's not feeling loved, she will start looking....
48. We like it when you tell us what you're thinking, even if you don't know yourself. It's cute.
49. It's cheating as soon as you're doing something with her that you wouldn't want me to see, hear, read...
50. For the record: I'd rather you break up with me than cheat.
51. We can fall in love with you without really knowing you, if you are an ass, we will find out, and we will get over it. Fast. Don't ruin it.
52. You like her, make a move. Don't just sit there, you will fail, and you won't get her.
53. Baseball players are hot. The sport makes you skinny and your arm muscles… well, it's hot. We’ll go to all your games even if we hate baseball.
54. When you compliment us, we aren't sure how to accept the compliment without leading you on or reject the compliment without hurting you. So just bear with us here.
55. WE HATE BEING LED ON! If you think it's bad being led on by a girl, try being led on by a guy.
56. We like it when guys are willing to have an actual relationship, not just a one-night stand. Most girls don't like pimps or players, just guys who like ONE girl only.
57. But don't be obssessive. Major turn-off.
58. Call sometimes, just to say hi, not for a certain reason. When we see your number on caller ID, our heart always skips a beat. Try calling just to say good night, or good morning, its so adorable!
60. Don't ONLY tell us what we want to hear. We HATE that.
61. At sleepovers, if you wonder what we talk about, quit worrying. It really is only you.
62. If you catch us staring, it is most likely because we're spacing out, not because we really stare at you. Unless we smile when you notice. Then you either look really hot, or we like you.
63. We like it when you hold us when we're crying. It's good to feel loved and safe.
64. Don't go to our friends to talk about us. Come straight to us.
65. Don't tell us you love us unless you are positive you mean it. If we don't say it back, it's just that we really want to mean it when we say it. Don't say it right away, then it shows lack of commitment.
66. We like our hands to be held and our waists to be touched.
67. We like you to kiss our hand and cheeks and forehead (esp. forehead!!), not just shove your tongue down our throats. We do like to breathe.
68. We like it when you're tender, but don't lose your masculinity.
69. Do chivalrous things when we least expect it (eg. Holding doors for us).
70. As surprising as it may be, while guys might actually look at personality, the first thing girls look at tends to be looks. We're not going to see you and think, 'I wonder what his personality is like!' Terrible, but true.
71. If we love you, and you're hurt on the basketball court, rolling on the floor in pain; we're hurting more just watching you.
72. We LOVE it when you get nervous around us. It's adorable! Don't think you have to be Mr. Cool Guy all the time.
73. Don't play hard to get. We'll get bored and move on.
74. If you don't call us, then we will spend hours thinking about why you never called, and we will waste a lot of time thinking about it, eventually coming to the conclusion that we don't like you anymore.
75. We lost interest quickly if you lead us on but never take action.
76. We might seem to flirt a lot, but a girl always thinks about the one guy she really likes right before she falls asleep.
77. When a girl likes a guy, she subconsciously gives him a song that makes her think of him every time she hears it.
78. If guys do the same as girls do in #77, tell her what song reminds you of her.
79. Randomly compliment girls in conversations. If you're talking about sports, be like "Oh, by the way, that shirt really made your eyes look green today." It totally throws us off, and we love it.
80. Ask us about how we're doing once in a while, and at least pretend to be interested.
81. If we're not talking to you, we secretly want you to talk to us first.
82. Play with our hair without being like a gay hairstylist.
83. We get really happy when you show any sign of interest. Don't just do it and then never do it again. Bad bad bad…
84. Keep up the conversation on IM and phones and in person! Don't be awkward. That's bad.
85. We will always feel bad if we don't like you back. Not all girls are bitches, no matter what you may think. We hate to reject you.
86. Ok, so some girls are bitches and they like rejecting boys, but the people who wrote this group are not. Better?
87. If we say "Let's just be friends", we really mean it. Don't keep trying to pursue us, and don't say ok and then ignore us. That's just mean and horrible.
88. It's adorable when a best guy friend who a girl has thought about liking confesses he likes her.
89. If you're single, find the one girl who's always there on the sidelines at your football game, or at each of your concerts, all your baseball games. She loves you. Her excuse may be that she's there for her brother, but she's really there for you.
90. After you find that girl, smile at her once in a while, it'll mean the world to her.
91. Get to know her, you'll make her year first of all, and maybe, just maybe, you'll end up liking her.
92. In your mind, give every girl a chance. Each one deserves at least one.
93. Girls fantasize too, its just not always about sex.
94. We girls give you guys code names so that you don't know that we're talking about you.
95. If you're jealous, it may suck for you, but we think it's attractive if you really care that much.
96. If a girl blushes when you talk to her, she either likes you or she's embarrassed by what you're saying.
97. Girls don't really write your name on a piece of paper a million times if they like you, that's a myth…… sometimes.
98. If a girl really likes you, just seeing you will make her day.
99. Even if you aren't all that cute, and we like you, we think you’re hot. Don’t take advantage of that, take pride in that.
100. Every time you smile at us, it may mean only a little to you, but it means the world to us. Don't take the little things for granted.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!

Even though is past twelve midnight in Melbourne, but according to Perth's time, is still 10.33pm, which is still consider Valentine's Day=) This post is dedicated to my dearest Bi Bee. Hehe. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ice Lemon Tea =)

"What tea am I?" Celia asked. "You are my Ice Lemon Tea", I replied. We had a conversation about Celia's uncle loves to drink a type of tea produced from Taiwan, Tung Ting Tea. I then went through the "Ten Ren tea" webpage to look at a whole range of tea leaves. What caught my attention was a Pu er tea which actually cost like six hundred over dollars. It's just unbelievable:P Celia suddenly asked what tea do I classified her as. After a moment of thoughts, lemon tea I said. Lemon tea is priceless and special as it's my favourite drink. Furthermore is made from me. Hehe. I hope this answer satisfys you my bi bee=)

Friday, February 5, 2010

One awesome day!

I got to say, today is one hell of a delightful day for me. Often when people see such comments, they will ask why? Well, today is Friday, which is also my last day attending the summer course. I will just have to finish off my assignment and exam on the 18th of February and I am basically over and done with. Also Friday means is time to commence on doing stuff for my dear baby. Hehe.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A lie that hurts my loved one deeply

This incident started 3 weeks ago when baby Celia told me that she needed the burswood club card of mine. For the first instant, I did not care as much as I should do. I delayed the process of sending the card for a couple of weeks before I did so. Last week, Celia asked me if I have send the card, which I said yes but in actual fact I did not. I was still in the process of preparing a pressie for our 1st Anniversary. I just thought I might send the card together with the gifts on Monday the 1st of February which most propably might just take 3-4 days to reach the destination. Today when she got home and opened the letter box to find no parcel inside. She got fired up and told me that she was "utterly disappointed" in me. Well, when a person has waited for the parcel for a week and has not arrived, it's natural for him/ her to get mad. About an hour later, she gave me a call and clarified the actual date of me sending out the parcel. I told her that I lied, I did not sent it out last Thursday but this Monday just because I did not want her to get worked up with me for not sending the parcel right away. Suddenly, there's a sudden change to her tone of voice. I knew the tone was not just filled with anger but it's mostly with disappointment. Her boyfriend not being able to fulfill the task and also lied to her. This time round I have really hurt her deeply. I am sorry my baby=(

Happy 1st Anniversary!!!!!!!!!

Oh my! It's already twelve midnight. I should resume in my blog post before more time is being wasted. 4th of February? Am I missing out on a special occasion? Oh right! the 4th of Febraury represents our very 1st anniversary together my darling. Although the actual timing of us hooking up together one year ago is at 2.17am, but I just could not wait to lay my hands on this blog post as I have got heaps to reflect on. The common questions from others will often be how did we first met? How did we have feelings for one another? so on and so forth. Well, it all started off when I volunteered at "Bukit Batok Community Club" when baby Celia came in as a part-timer. The very first day I met her or rather anyone, the word "shyness" just popped up inside me. Uncle King John just gave a brief introduction between baby Celia and I and that's about it. Basically for the rest of the day, We never spoke a word. Following on the next couple of days, Uncle Steven told me she studies in WA, at that moment of time, my brain seemed to trigger my body to approach her. That's the time when we had our very first conversation. That's memorable. Day by day, time passed quickly, I started to realise that she does not have a habit to having brekky and lunch. I got to admit, is abit of randomness, but oh well, is memory! At that time, I got hell pissed. How could she not eat brekky or lunch and starved herself. That's just wrong.

Readers who are following my blog, let me ask you all a question. Why did I fill myself with anger when I realise that baby Celia was not consuming anything down a tummy? I have had thought of this very question many times. After countless of reflections, I realised I have started to accumulate feelings for her. Honestly, I got to admit that's when I first fell for her. After the realization of her attempted to starve herself, what was the first thought that came through my head? CHUCK HER WITH FOOD OF COURSE! Whenver I went for lunch with Uncle Steven and the rest, I literally bought double portion of lunch, so I could make up an excuse to say I just could n0t finish eating my lunch. Buying her lunch just like that seemed random and therefore an excuse might be a good idea. Aren't I clever??=P

In this month and a half with her is definitely the most memorable time in my 20 years of life. We went to Chingay, bought a selection of presents for the CC and also organised a farewell party together. We literally did everything together. There's a phrase, "time flies when you are having fun". I will definitely agree with this phrase. During the last week before I depart back to Melbourne, my baby Celia took a huge step forward and confessed to me. I always have feelings for her accepted with no hesitation. Not only that, my heart is filled with joy and happiness. "Celebration" will be the best descriptive word for this kind of situation. We literally spent the rest of the week with each other. Movies, holding hands and all sort of other things you can think of we did together. There will be alot more along the way that we can experience together. Thank you Bi Bee for giving me this opportunity to love you, spoil you and take care of you. "HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY" my Baby! I LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Prince of Tennis

This year, animations seem to be a hobby I favour for. I have chosen "The Prince of Tennis" to be my very first anime.

Welcome to my brand new blog!

Wow, it has been a year since I have created this blog. Ever since I came back for my first year of university, I have stopped putting entries into this blog. People like Jorine has commented that I was forced to create a blog when I am not really a person who keeps journal entries of my everyday life. Yesterday night, my baby Celia had given me a long 1 hour of lecturing that reasoned out why I should keep a blog myself. If I did not put a full stop on her pool of words, she is able to carry on for hours. This might seem that again I am being forced to reopen a blog account, but honestly I am doing it for my baby and myself. Life is just too short and one's brain has just limited amount of memory space to store all of everyday experiences and happenings. Therefore from now on until the day I dont exist in this world, I will try my best to share my life with my friends and loved ones on this very blog.